Denver Kid’s Photography | COVID

Hello blog- I have returned. If I've said it once I've said it a hundred times- I am terrible at blogging and many of the other day to day things that you're supposed to do when running a business. Someday I'll have someone else take care of the business-y details and I'll be free to just create all day every day...but that is not this day.

So 2020 huh? What a wild ride...and we're not even done yet! So to answer the question I keep getting- YES! I am open for business. I happily wear a mask to any shoot and am so beyond ready to get back to doing what I love! I spent my quarantine creating with my tiny human- so for now I'll leave you with one of the first images we created when quarantine hit and the change in the world could be felt so heavily. Not only was my daughter suddenly stripped of her amazing school (shout out to Parker Performing Arts!) , but she also lost her ballet classes which she LOVED. This image helped us both express how we felt about this 2020 dystopia.

Talk to ya'll soon!
<3 K


Wonder Wonder, Boulder | Denver Children’s Photographer


Parker Children’s Photography | Mother’s Day Cherry Blossoms