Make sure your photographer knows…. | Colorado Kid’s Photography

You booked a photo session for your tiny human- YAY! So what things does your photographer need to know BEFORE your sesssion?

Special Needs

Whether your kiddo has an actual special condition, has major stranger danger, or just hates the feeling of grass- let your photographer know! There are so many things that can impact the success of your session- my rule of thumb is anything you would want a babysitter to know is something you should share! It can help your photographer to know how to approach your child’s session.

Nap Schedule and Bedtime

Especially for younger kids we know how important this one is. A cranky kiddo is a terrible way to start a session 😖 Your photographer needs to know if your photo session time will interfere with when your little one usually sleeps. A big note on this one- sometimes bed time time is earlier than golden hour- so if you’re looking for those dreamy light photos you have a couple of options- 1: adjust your schedule for the day if at all possible. Make nap time a little later so that when bed time can be a little later OR 2: Schedule your session in the Spring or Fall when golden hour isn’t quite so late!

Any Particular Shots You Want Captured

Does your kiddo have this one silly face you love? Or maybe they have a thing for spinning in circles every day? Or they never leave the house without their lovey. Whatever that one thing is that you MUST have captured- please tell us! As a photographer we want to freeze these moments for you, so please give a heads up if you have your heart set on a specific shot!

You have no idea what to dress them in

Investing in photos is stressful- you want them to be perfect, but you’re also a parent like ALL THE TIME. Let us help! I have a client wardrobe that I actually prefer you use, and pretty much any photographer you work with would rather give you guidance than have you stressing over something like wardrobe!

Don’t be afraid to communicate

We would always prefer you just check in with us! Don’t be afraid to reach out- you’re not going to annoy your photographer- we are a group of people pleasers, and want your experience to be as wonderful as the photos we provide you!


How to have a successful toddler session | Parker Toddler Photographer