Elf on the Friggin Shelf | Parker Children’s Photographer

Yep...the elf. The bane of every mom's holiday existence. I was determined not to do the elf when I had my kiddo...and then of course she got old enough to ask with those sweet little eyes and chubby little cheeks…

Pouting toddler with tears

You try to say no to that face 🤣

So yeah. Our elf's name is Guy. 🤣 Yes I'm a sucker- but you probably are too.

Santa was spoiled for my baby 2 years ago- but the elf? Him she still believes in. So now being the sucker I am the elf goes even more extra. Last year I struggled to come up with a new idea every night before I went to bed- and that was on the nights I actually remembered to move the damn thing haha! There were a handful of mornings my husband woke up to realize I had crashed without moving him and hurriedly found him a new spot before baby bear came down the stairs.

So this year I'm making a game plan- complete with a schedule and a new dedication to moving Guy as soon as the tiny human's eyes are closed for the night.

First step is inspiration- I definitely spent some time on pinterest digging through the ideas of even more enterprising moms than myself- I'll share a link to my Elf board at the end of this post- there are some great ideas in there and also some quick and easy ideas for those of you who are SO over it 😘

After Pinterest digging I grabbed a box and went toy digging. Her extensive Barbie and LOL Surpise doll collections make for a wonderland of accessories to pair with the Elf on the Shelf. I spent about an hour digging through her toys and snagging anything that I thought could be used for a cute elf setup- this was actually pretty fun and got me about half of the ideas I needed for Guy- so I highly recommend this step.

My final preparation step was to head over to Etsy for a few hand made accessories- the Elf on the Shelf people make a few accessories and kits too- but as a creative myself I prefer to shop small and support my comrades- plus there's way more variety and some seriously fun ideas...because well- creatives are creative 🤣

Our Elf has been modified for ease of posing- it was a bit of a pain in the ass but worth it for years worth of dealing with haha! I followed this tutorial to modify ours:

Some of our Elf rules-

  1. No touchy. And we enforce it- because MY kid won’t be the one ruining elf magic at school haha!

  2. If the Elf makes a mess- she has to clean it up 😂

  3. The Elf arrives December 1st and departs after she goes to sleep on Christmas night

Some of the goodies I have ready for Guy this year…stay tuned on my Instagram stories for his shenanigans this year!

My Elf Pinterest board

Shops I bought some Elf accessories from:

Piper Enterprises

Divinuras Lupe

Happy Elfing!


How to have a successful toddler session | Parker Toddler Photographer


Wonder Wonder, Boulder | Denver Children’s Photographer